Store Traffic Predictor


One response

  1. Anonymous

    This should be called Schedule Advisor instead of Traffic predictor, though predicting traffic is a step. Then:
    Same opening sentence works, adjust to “By tracking True Traffic over time, we are able to determine “projected traffic levels” by shift by day for each week. The Schedule Advisor uses this plus the individual conversion rates, labor rates, and other inputs to determine an optimal staffing schedule to achieve the highest sales with the lowest payroll expense.

    Report includes:
    – a color-coded chart by each hour of each day of the week with a projection for potential traffic
    – a table with the store’s sales staff and their individual avg conversion rates

    Why is it important:
    As a retailer, you’ve invested in the space, inventory, staff and marketing to have an opportunity to sell your products – you should make the most of it. Instead of scheduling staff when they prefer to work or based on anecdotes about busy times, The ReBiz Scheduling Advisor helps you get granular, staff the right number of people, and put your top converting reps in front of your highest volume and quality of sales opportunities. With the same traffic, retailers can make thousands more in profit with this data-driven approach.

    With this information, you can:
    – Understand projected traffic volumes for the upcoming week by day, shift and hour
    – Identify your projected busy shifts and quiet times and schedule/cut staff as needed to handle traffic
    – Anticipate busy shifts and schedule top converting reps
    – Consider changes to business hours given your projected traffic

    Report deliverables
    – scheduling recommendations and supporting data

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