Store Hours & Idle Time Monitoring

Report Includes:
  • • Daily Store & Staff Monitoring
  • • Daily Compliance Checks
  • • Loss Prevention
Why is this important?
  • Previously managers could not personally verify this information without a store visit.
  • Stores that are left unstaffed lose sales opportunities, impact customer experience and are vulnerable to theft or loss.
  • Without accountability, employees fail to open and close on time frequently.
  • Customer satisfaction drops and negative reviews increase when stores aren’t opened and closed as posted.
  • Sales opportunities are lost when not open during full scheduled hours
What can you do with this information? Benefits
  • Increased adherence to business hours
  • Reduced customer frustration and negative reviews
  • Increased employee accountability
  • Reduced time clock theft
  • Reduced risk of theft and loss
Report deliverables Features
  • Daily verification of opening and closing times details include day, time and duration
  • Unstaffed locations, details include day, time and duration

One response

  1. Anonymous

    Make the sections:
    – Daily Store & Staff Monitoring
    – Daily Compliance Checks
    – Loss Prevention
    (then I’ll fill in the details like Why is this important etc)

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