Sales Process Monitoring

Some of the information from the Sales Process Monitoring reporting

  • Interaction times – The average time a sales person engages with a potential customer. This data allows you to compare the length of time spent with customers between employees and cross reference with closed sales information to determine if interaction time is effecting deal closure.
  • Unattended customers – show customers that were left unattended for a period of time revealing potentially lost sales and opportunities to train and coach staff.
  • Empty Store – The interaction report will also alert you to a store that is empty of both patrons and employees during store hours further revealing possible lost opportunity.
Why is this important?
  • • Coaching sales reps and holding them accountable is difficult without accurate information on things like their interaction times and unattended customer counts
  • • Lack of attention to customers decreases conversion rates, revenue and profitability
  • • Customer satisfaction can drop when sales staff are not attentive and engaged
What you can do with this information? Benefits
  • • measurement and analysis of average customer interaction time per rep
  • • ability to compare interaction times with top performers and coach for improved sales conversion rates
  • • daily counts of unattended traffic create visibility for mangement
  • • enables coaching for improved sales conversion rates
  • • management awareness of empty stores during business hours
  • • Increased sales conversion rates
  • • Improved coaching and training interactions
  • • Fewer lost sales opportunities (due to fewer unattended customers)
  • • Increased employee accountability
Report Deliverables
  • • Training –

2 responses

  1. Anonymous

    (fyi, I’m torn a bit on the naming for sales monitoring, Sales process monitoring isn’t quite it bc we don’t actually track steps in the sales process – sales staff monitoring isn’t the right verbiage bc its creates a big brother objection. maybe its just Sales Monitoring, but that’s not very clear… in the product suite language, we use Sales Monitoring and list out the types of things – interaction time, unattended traffic, etc)

  2. Anonymous

    Sales Staff Monitoring provides the ability to track employees in a given store and validate that your expected sales procedures are being followed. Daily monitoring provides information about how sales reps are spending their time during a shift and with the customers they are seeing.

    (Why this is important)
    – knowing strong sales practices doesn’t matter if there is no process in place to ensure they are followed

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